Monday, June 11, 2012


This is a blog about Pittsburgh.

There are many such blogs. You may wonder why I chose to make another.

One reason is simple hubris: I want to offer my voice. In addition to being a Pittsburgher, I'm a graduate student, a foodie, an introvert, an enthusiast of geeky things, a feminist, a car-free cyclist, and runner. While that's by no means a unique set of properties, it does give me a particular perspective on the City that I don't frequently see people writing from.

Another reason, or perhaps the other side of the same coin, is that I want to share my experiences with those to whom they might apply. I will review restaurants, but I may also review trails, shows, theaters, events, and entire neighborhoods at the same time. My plan is to write holistically: I'll describe an entire experience, from transportation to food to entertainment, in such a way that a reader could "repeat the experiment" -- provided they're similar to me in certain ways, like living in the East End and owning a bike. A lot of blogs I see -- food blogs in particular -- write about places in the suburbs, for example, that sound lovely, but I have no idea how to get there (perhaps they drove, which doesn't help me) or what else is nearby that I could see and do to make it worth the trip. They lack context; they're an isolated partial experience; they don't seem to apply to me. My goal is to provide that missing context.

I hope you enjoy it.

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